Discover more about our range of services by taking a peak below
Core Services
New Business
We offer a full New Business
service across St. James's Place product proposition including Pensions, Investments and Protection. The service includes analysis of the CFR, calculation work, creation of the suitability letter and associated illustrations.
Replacement Business
Our Replacement Business
service covers all planning areas incorporating any tax and critical yield calculations required, CFR and ceding scheme analysis, production of associated illustrations and creation of detailed suitability letters.
Defined Benefit Replacements
Our Defined Benefit Replacement
service incorporates all calculation
work including cashflows and LTIC’s. We will also analyse the CFR, CETV, TVAS report,
scheme booklet and produce detailed suitability reports and illustrations.
At Retirement
Our At Retirement
service includes all aspects of Drawdown and Annuities recommendations. In particular we will produce the relevant cashflow and LTIC's calculations associated with Drawdown cases as well CFR analysis, production of illustrations and creation of the suitability letter.
Bolt On Services
Specialised Solutions
We offer a full paraplanning service for additional client planning areas such as:-
- DFM recommendation with Rowan Dartington;
- The Private Client Team;
- IHT and Trust Planning;
- EIS's and VCT's.
We offer a stand alone calculation service covering:-
- CYC's and LTIC's;
- Cashflow scenarios;
- Carry Forward;
- Tax calculations for Inheritance Tax, Bond encashments and Capital
Gains Tax.
Drawdown Reviews
Our Drawdown service extends to your client annual Drawdown Review letters.
We can pick up the reviews letters regardless of whether we were involved in the original Drawdown recommendation or not.
Full LOA Service
Our core and specialised services include engaging with ceding scheme providers after an initial LOA response has been received; however, we can gather the initial request for scheme information on your behalf.
All we need is our details added to the signed letter of authority (LOA), a copy of the LOA and confirmation the LOA as been sent.
For more details around what our services include please scroll down to 'Our Commitment to You'
section at the bottom of this page.
You can also click on the link below to 'Our Process'
page which describes the case journey.